Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Abortions and euthanasia, double standards

People have abortions because they don't think they can handle the burden of a child at that particular point in their life. Anyone can have an abortion as long as their pregnancy has not reached more than 24 weeks, regardless of how healthy the baby would potentially be. However, for mentally handicapped babies, euthanasia is illegal.

Looking after a mentally disabled child takes a lot of tax payer's money, and many of them are completely dependent on one or more people for their continued survival. If a mother cannot handle the burden of looking after someone who requires 24/7/365 attention for the rest of its life, then shouldn't she should be allowed to make a decision on its life? Not all mental handicaps can be detected before 24 weeks. It's a terrible double standard, it shouldn't make a difference whether or not the child is born or unborn.

Why can we kill the fetus (which has far more potential) for it being an inconvenience, but not kill the handicapped person, which is an inconvenience with little or no potential?


  1. i think both are right and wrong depending on the situation. you cannot say one is always right or always morally wrong.

  2. i think abortition is right and euthanasia is wrong

  3. Hmm.. Interesting question. Some people will go nuts, if someone proposed to legalize killing of handicapped people.

  4. Good point.
    I'm against abortion, perhaps a kid can motivate you to advance.

  5. a fetus is not a real human to me. they don't know they are living i think

  6. This is Sparta! You know, it's not a bad system...

  7. more and more young teens these days are getting abortions. its sad really.

  8. Is a difficult subject, I live in Holland where it is all legal :)

  9. Well, some people have abortions because they plain don't want a child, and got sloppy. I see no problem in this, really. It might be a shame, but abortion should always be an option, anywhere.

  10. Yea we should be allowed to take out our kids until they reach legal age. Might also cut down on juvenile crime.

  11. i think both are wrong. but my opinion only matters to me. :)

  12. Abortion is wrong in my opinion. Your purposely taking/preventing a life. That's murder to me. If not that just shows how much of a person you are. Just me though.

  13. call me sick but i support these

  14. I dont know how i feel about this

  15. @ DavidMade:

    i mostly agree. it's taking a life either, no matter what week of pregnancy the fetus actually becomes alive. it's there to live and aborting it = killing it. simple as that.
    when it comes to euthanasia, it depends on the situation the subject is in.

  16. i think there should be mentally handicaped homes paid for by the government. we have them for old people why not the mentally disabled.

  17. Very interesting. Plenty for me to think about from that post.

  18. It is also subjective to consider at what point is the fetus really a life. Sperms could be considered a life which die en mass during simple masturbation. I think there should be no restrictions to abortion but euthanasia is more situational.

  19. Right on topic!

  20. u raise an interesting point there i often actually think about this but it all depends on their degree of handicapness if thats even a word

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. not sure on my opinion about abortions

  23. Kind of brash but I see where you're coming from

  24. I'm going to have to say no to killing retards. My stepsister has autism and while she gets on my last fucking nerve, she still has a right to live.

    As for abortion, Jay said it best in dogma. "bitches bodies is their own business."

  25. Seed =/= apple

    Fetus =/= person

  26. this is a hard topic really hard, in some ways I agree and in others I don't , but you did make me think


  27. Yeah lets kill stephen hawkings, the guy is a complete waste of space.

  28. this is a difficult topic.. I don't know

  29. Heres my stance on it... abortions are fucked up. Period. But parents are supposed to do right by their children, and if a parent cant handle to raise a child, or doesnt care enough to, then the child is better off never going through life half equipped

  30. I completely agree with you, euthanasia really should be legalised globally under certain conditions, it really isn't fair denying an individual the right to their own life

  31. This is the new world. Why can one person say something is wrong and ban everyone else from doing it? It's that person's choice.

  32. you have a goos point. the issue is just too complex

  33. i'm a pro-choice person, but not completely sure how i feel about euthanasia, although i do agree that it's seems backwards to let parents off what could grow into perfectly healthy fetus' yet can't make the same decision for mentally handicapped people.

    like others have said, it's a complex issue.

  34. Interesting question

  35. I'm not sure if I agree or disagree on the whole retard killing thing. It sounds wrong but I don't think a baby should be born if it wouldn't be able to live a fulfilling life. But who am I to decide what that would be?

  36. its all about the situation. People shouldnt suffer and abortion shouldnt be used for birth control.

  37. dude, epic argument. some good insight.


  38. Yeah, I guess it's okay....

  39. No one should be able to tell a person they can't have an abortion. If you are against it then simply do not have one. Otherwise it's not your business, no matter what your religion tells you. Same goes for assisted suicide for the terminally ill.

  40. hi! i'm new to the "circle" so plese "follow" me and "view" my "blog" as i'm sure you're enjoying my "views".

  41. nobody likes being killed, disabled or not. They might not know a lot of things but I'm sure a disabled person would notice if they were being murdered... perhaps?

  42. thats a fairly harsh statement, it makes sense from a logical perspective but aren't you losing your humanity a bit thinking that way?

  43. the economic benefit of euthanising disabled children isn't really worth the emotional anguish of spending 9 months with a baby in your gut, finally getting it out to find out it was all worthless and you need to get rid of the baby you've just had. besides, most mental illnesses can't be diagnosed until the kid is around 3.

    to be honest if we started going around killing disabled people the taxpayer would just end up having to pay for psychological help for all the people who decided to kill their kids...

    not to mention the amount of jobs that would be lost if there were less disabled people around. do you have any idea how many people are employed to look after disabled people? some people really enjoy it

  44. Very interesting question you raise there. I like your blog. I will follow and support hope you'll come check mine out too sometime :)

  45. Anyone should be able to do whatever they want with their lives. The law cannot stop you either. The laws say you cannot murder people yet thousands do.

  46. I believe that we should dump our mentally handicapped young in the wild, where they can be raised by the wolves.

  47. I think people should stop with the double standards and just set a single standard. Either you allow abortion and allow euthanasia or outlaw abortion and outlaw euthanasia but not in between. There's already too many people in this world who have to compete for jobs and resources. Now we have these resource magnets that do nothing but take. Get rid of them all I say.

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  50. Hey dude, sweet blog. Check mine out!

  51. interesting point of view.

    then again I'm german and our laws (and not to mention the general publics view) on abortion are really different from the USA's, so direct comparisions would be pointless.

    anyway, following you now. you've got some interesting stuff going on in here.

    if you feel like checking my still very new blog out, feel free to drop me a click :)

  52. Abortion is very helpful to the Earth, if you ask me.

    Imagine the sheer number of people that would be alive today if not for abortions. That's a scary thought.

    Each aborted child has the ability to have children of its own.

  53. Nice postage sir


  54. Keep up the hijinx.

    its whats mine is about. http://daytodayhijinx.blogspot.com/

  55. Unfortunately, these issues may never be settled for the sake of always having something to argue and advertise to voters with. Sad.


  56. As far as euthanasia is concerned, the doctors have ways of delivering a handicapped baby prematurely and *ahem* not breathing. My best friend's sister had it happen.

  57. Its all coming soon people, euthanasia is already getting debated about in europe

    So you wanna pick up the ladies huh?

  58. Completely agree, although killing handicapped people does seem a bit unfair it is a very good argument. Followed.

  59. Ah, I have an idea. It's simple high school education, really. A fetus isn't alive, is it? Alive as in, it isn't conscious. Do you remember being inside your mothers womb? No, you do not. Nobody does. Killing something that isn't even aware is OK. Just like we cut down trees or destroy plants (heck, maybe a tree is more aware). Killing a handicapped person is the complete opposite, as they are alive, conscious, though they may be retarded. And taking their life simply because they aren't as capable as you is going back to what the Nazi's were into. And what is your justification? To save a bit of money? When did money become so important?

  60. You're forgetting the main justification for abortion - the process of going through child birth would physically and mentally change the mother for life. This is a self-defence argument on the mother's behalf, thusly it doesn't apply once the child has been given birth too.

    Whether or not you agree with this argument is another matter, but then we move into the field of human rights vs the rights of sentients and universal rights.

    Interesting food for thought though, subbed.

  61. Followed http://aatlinks.blogspot.com/

  62. Good argument though and it'll be remembered!
    Followed http://maskerade7.blogspot.com

  63. I'm not sure I agree with you, but everyone is entitled to their opinion!

  64. Survival of the fittest ha ha. You dark bastad. Entertaining blog. Followed http://www.text-upload.com/read.php?id=42747&c=9312594

  65. you think like me. hope to hear more from this blog

  66. I agree on the abortion part but mentally handicapped?
    How can you set the limit for this ? If your talking about low IQ you kinda have to kill %80 population of the earth. Besides think about it this way; would you let someone kill your son or daughter even if he/she was mentally handicapped?

  67. I completely agree man, it should be the other way around, kill off the weak and let the strong survive!

  68. > it should be the other way around, kill off the weak and let the strong survive!

    couldn't put that in a better way


  69. I don't think we should intervene with survival of the fittest. I mean no disrespect, but we could have been free of many genetic illnesses by now if we didn't put so much effort into preserving life.

  70. You've got some pretty strong views there, Bro. I don't agree with them mind, but it is still more thought out than most people's opinions so fair play for saying it.

  71. People put more value on human life once it is out of the womb.

  72. I agree with you man, we are overpopulating the hell out of this planet because we have chosen to bypass natures process of thinning out the ones not fit to reproduce.

  73. very true bro


  74. Very true, but no one wants to be the one to publicly condone it let alone do it.


  75. quite interesting.


  76. My opinion on this topic matters.

  77. This comment has been removed by the author.

  78. Abortion is not always due to the fact that the future baby is going to be mentally retarded but you still point out good questions there.

  79. Good point, this makes a lot of sense actually.


  80. Makes sense, but kind of backwards. Got me thinking, so I'm following!

  81. I didn't know looking at mental kids cost so much money... Anyway, love the point you make about euthanasia, lol.


  82. If you can detect a defect at birth, the child should not be born, IMO. It's for the best for the child, the parents AND society, or humanity overall.


  83. Despite costing alot of money to look after they don't really deserve to die after they are born, Its really quite different to killing an unformed fetus

  84. I think the answer to your last question is, "because he is conscient, and he probably want live".

  85. not bad my friend, not bad at all!

  86. quite controversial thoughts, i like it!

  87. i can only agree.. the hypocrisy surrounding these kinds of issues is astounding, especially in the states.

  88. This is really good i have followed.

  89. hmmm, maybe one day they will change things....

  90. Bit of a downer but true enough I suppose


  91. fully agreed. check out my blog if you have time
    b rothers. http://groundzerostudios.blogspot.com/

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  93. Hey, took your advice and started one of these. Thanks for the info

  94. Very interesting blog, 4 a Child I assume it is veyr hard living with ilness. If you ever decide to take a break and play a mmorpg, Please visit my blog. Thanks brother.

  95. Very interesting view, I too am pro-choice, but head towards the abortion side rather than euthanasia. Stop the problem from the beginning, am i right brother? :)


  96. yeah im with you on this one....
    there's actually a lot of things in this world that have double standards and such. it's a shame.


  97. Handicapped is a living person but fetus is just some cells chilling.

  98. Dude bro! I love your blog! U SO RYT :D

    Please follow my blog, bro! :D

  99. Always love reading your stuff Jesse!

  100. hi! nice post! return favor =)

  101. I have been trying to show this point to people for a long time, thank you for posting this

  102. I think both are wrong, but in some circumstances they are kinda justifiable.
    Like when the potential mother can take care of the child and there seems to be no health risk involved, the abortion is obviously totally wrong and should be forbidden.
    On the other hand, when you can't really take care of it and the state doesn't provide any institution, where you can place the child after birth (what a shitty system, right?), then the abortion is somewhat justifiable.
    When you can't take care of the handicaped child, there should be also some institution, where you can place it. That's a lot more reasonable option, than just simply killing it.

  103. Other option is, that the state should provide support for the mother/family, that don't have enough resources, to make a living. That would be obviously even better.

  104. tough topic, great post though!

  105. Only the Sith deal in absolutes. If you catch my drift...
    Thoughtful article.

  106. I followed you and I see that you have interesting articles. I'd appreciate it if you followed me back ;)

  107. I don't agree with your idea. I read some of the comments and some people ask for "single standard", "unique rule" and so on.
    Since when does the life of a person have to follow a standard, a rule ? Are we one day going to implement programs running something like :
    if(fetus/person == handicapped)
    execute abortion
    return 0

    I am a medicine student so I'm pretty much concerned by these issues and I believe that people are not objects nor computer programs so I think we can't accept euthanasia on a systematic basis - whatever the arguments might be. However I think your post does a great job about keeping up the question of euthanasia and makes us emphasize the difficulty to set a limit between a fetus and a person. I followed your blog as you have some great posts, I'd appreciate if you did same. (monkeytheories.blogspot.com)

  108. Vigorously nodding my head in agreement!

  109. totally agree with you...
    will start following your blog

  110. it feels bad to say but its true. theres so many people so concerned with what they think everyone should want and what is right they cant listen to anyone else's opinion. if its going to impact your life, why CANT you be the one to decide. it may seem cruel to euthanise a mentally handicapped person but think of it as if it were your life being spent clening drool and changing diapers for maybe 20+ years. thats the real injustice.

  111. Somebody euthanize this blog. Oh, no need. It's already dead.

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  114. this is an twisted/interesting view man

  115. Hmm, very interesting. Something to think about.

  116. If the pregnancy is advanced [as in fetus has legs, arms, face etc] the abortion consists of shredding it to pieces with a pair of some sort of medical scissors.

  117. Interesting article - I've been thinking about the "cruelty factor" recently (meaning whether or not it would be cruel to euthanize) and I keep thinking that it would honestly probably be worse to subject someone with a severe disability to living with that impairment than painlessly killing them. On the other hand, to decide whether or not someone should have the right to live is a huge responsibility and there is a large grey area (legally and otherwise) here.

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