Saturday, 23 October 2010

Why hitting women is okay

Let me start off by saying that I don't beat my girlfriend or anything like that. I'm not saying it's okay to just hit a woman because you're pissed at her. [Unless she just made a shitty sammich] Anyway, I'm talking about retaliation. Let's begin.

Since as early as the late 18th and early 19th century, women have been fighting for equality. In the 19th century, women fought for the right to vote. You may have heard of something called the "Suffragette movement" or something of the like. This was where women mainly in America strived to have voting rights, and took a step towards equality. We've come a long way since then. These days, women are found in almost every work field. As early as 65 years ago, some jobs were unthinkable for women to hold. Such as military, government, construction, etc.

Women mostly held jobs as teachers, nurses, homemakers, etc. Basically what I'm trying to say is, women have come a long way.

Now, after over a century of bitching and moaning, women are now considered "equal" to men. (At least politically). Meaning, employers cannot discriminate against women based on the fact that they're women. 

So, now women have all sorts of rights and all is well, except, that is, when it comes to physical violence.

If any of you have ever been to either a pikey estate, a drunken party, or a club, you know some women [especially intoxicated] like to pick fights not only with other women, but with men as well. So, here's the question: Is it okay to hit women if they're hitting you?

The answer: Absofuckingloutely. If a woman is physically attacking you, and they don't stop, I'm all for decking them. If some crazy drunk bitch tries to hit me in the face a few times, she's getting dropped. I don't give a fuck about those "Mummy said don't hitgirls" philosophies. It's bullshit. Women fought so hard and so long for equality. Now, they've got it, but they expect to have MORE rights than men. Where's that put us? What the fuck sense does it make to be attacked and do nothing about it? Sure, some females may not pack as hard of a punch as males, but it still hurts to get punched square in the nose.

All I'm saying is: Women, stop fucking bitching and expecting society to say it's "unethical" or what the fuck ever, to hit women. Like I said, I don't beat up my girlfriend, but if she conscientiously tried to harm me, I would lay her the fuck out. It's honestly a fucking joke to say that you're not supposed to hit women.

I'm not a sexist, and I'm not for violence against women solely for the fact that they're women. I'm just saying, it's fucking bullshit to be told not to hit them if they hit you first. I don't care who it is, if someone starts a fight with me, I'm fighting back.

If they want special treatment, they should stop their goddamn bitching and crying about rights. They have every right in the world, except the right to get a fucking black eye for starting shit. Ridiculous. 

Also, what the fuck is it with feminists being all against porno and shit? Actually, fuck it, I'll make a different post on that, later.

So, who's with me? I don't want any of your gentleman bullshit. I'd like you guy's opinions on why it is/isn't okay to retaliate with force to a woman if she's hitting you.

Anyway, discuss.


  1. Honestly, I think I have to agree with you... If someone's trying to beat the shit out of you, you have a right to attempt to stop them.

  2. using physical violence to convey your anger at any rate is immature and childish.

  3. i agree that if they hit you you can hit back, but it wont get you out of any legal shit that you will most likely get dragged into

  4. Double standards are a bitch. I agree with you. I wouldn't go and pick a fight with a woman, but if they hit me first, they can't expect me not to hit back. The problem is, there are a ton of dudes out there that would probably all gang up on your because you hit a woman. It's a lose-lose situation.

  5. in self defense sure. otherwise it makes you a wimp and immature.

  6. Hm i see your point. I have to think about that and discuss that with my friends.

  7. ive heard that women react harder to pain.
    in that case.. let the beating begin!

  8. only in self defense. but people shouldnt be hitting other people in general

  9. Weeeeeeeeell, I'm gonna say this: interesting way of thinking ;P

  10. ARG - any abuse is wrong, PERIOD.

    But I mean I agree, if she hits you first, yea you can hit her back, but either way its not acceptable from either sex.

    - oh yeah, I know I'm not a male, but I had to comment :P yea .. contributing!

  11. I see it as a civil right to defend myself, If a crazy female is up to make me harm, be sure ill do anything to protect myself!

  12. heheh interesting information, bro!
    And I'd say that it's fine to hit some women, because they hit us emotionally and that hurts more x_x

  13. You hit me, I hit you. It's as simple as that. Gender plays no role in who I KTFO. ; )

  14. what if a child or elderly is hitting you?

  15. I agree with peezy. Not like it hurts when they hit you. Just throw them over your shoulder and you'll be fine. Great post though, you brought up some good points

  16. your 1000% right OP

    Yo ppl come follow my pick up bitches/ freshness blog. anyone following n clikin gets the same + comment a day. We're all in this together

  17. Hitting women is OK!

  18. the only problem being, she will press charges and the Judge - m/f - will not look at it kindly...
    So hitting them is not OK :(

  19. In my thougts, I would say that this woman needs to have a go at fisticuffs! hows that for gentlemanly!

  20. I have to completely agree with everything you said. Well compiled rant, bro.

  21. i agree 100% i got a restraining order on me becouse i blocked a punch from a girl and while doin that i hit her arm she had a tiny as bruise and i had marks and bruises all over me and i got the order they relly need to sort out this shit

  22. I agree, if a woman hits you, you should by law be able to defend yourself.

  23. Hold a woman, don't hit her back. she'll get frustrated by how powerless she is then let the angry sex ensue..

  24. I agree with you but if you retaliate then she will press charges, and then the court will pick the sob story over yours. Thats cause our justice system is f**ked.

  25. True dat! It's such a double standard. Same with "oh cmon i'm a woman i need to be rescued first"

  26. interesting point of view, Jesse ;-)

  27. when has it stopped being ok to hit women?

  28. Personally I disagree with you...

  29. Hey look at my blog :D

  30. They fought for their equal rights...

  31. Hey! Women deserve to get fed food first before their daily beatings!

  32. You have a really interesting way of thinking. I totally agree with you!

  33. This post is pretty old, but I want to share my thoughts. I believe you should retaliate, but in a more subtle manner I guess? Like you should try to put her in submission or something rather than KOing her with a haymaker.

  34. they ask for equal rights, so the same should go for hitting!

  35. Anything they are legally able to do to us, we should be legally able to do to them.

  36. Weird. I don't see a single dissenting opinion on this post.

  37. I think it's alright to defend yourself. Since most men are bigger than most women you can usually do it without hitting her. So in most cases I think you're wrong about this.
