Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Abortions and euthanasia, double standards

People have abortions because they don't think they can handle the burden of a child at that particular point in their life. Anyone can have an abortion as long as their pregnancy has not reached more than 24 weeks, regardless of how healthy the baby would potentially be. However, for mentally handicapped babies, euthanasia is illegal.

Looking after a mentally disabled child takes a lot of tax payer's money, and many of them are completely dependent on one or more people for their continued survival. If a mother cannot handle the burden of looking after someone who requires 24/7/365 attention for the rest of its life, then shouldn't she should be allowed to make a decision on its life? Not all mental handicaps can be detected before 24 weeks. It's a terrible double standard, it shouldn't make a difference whether or not the child is born or unborn.

Why can we kill the fetus (which has far more potential) for it being an inconvenience, but not kill the handicapped person, which is an inconvenience with little or no potential?

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Why hitting women is okay

Let me start off by saying that I don't beat my girlfriend or anything like that. I'm not saying it's okay to just hit a woman because you're pissed at her. [Unless she just made a shitty sammich] Anyway, I'm talking about retaliation. Let's begin.

Since as early as the late 18th and early 19th century, women have been fighting for equality. In the 19th century, women fought for the right to vote. You may have heard of something called the "Suffragette movement" or something of the like. This was where women mainly in America strived to have voting rights, and took a step towards equality. We've come a long way since then. These days, women are found in almost every work field. As early as 65 years ago, some jobs were unthinkable for women to hold. Such as military, government, construction, etc.

Women mostly held jobs as teachers, nurses, homemakers, etc. Basically what I'm trying to say is, women have come a long way.

Now, after over a century of bitching and moaning, women are now considered "equal" to men. (At least politically). Meaning, employers cannot discriminate against women based on the fact that they're women. 

So, now women have all sorts of rights and all is well, except, that is, when it comes to physical violence.

If any of you have ever been to either a pikey estate, a drunken party, or a club, you know some women [especially intoxicated] like to pick fights not only with other women, but with men as well. So, here's the question: Is it okay to hit women if they're hitting you?

The answer: Absofuckingloutely. If a woman is physically attacking you, and they don't stop, I'm all for decking them. If some crazy drunk bitch tries to hit me in the face a few times, she's getting dropped. I don't give a fuck about those "Mummy said don't hitgirls" philosophies. It's bullshit. Women fought so hard and so long for equality. Now, they've got it, but they expect to have MORE rights than men. Where's that put us? What the fuck sense does it make to be attacked and do nothing about it? Sure, some females may not pack as hard of a punch as males, but it still hurts to get punched square in the nose.

All I'm saying is: Women, stop fucking bitching and expecting society to say it's "unethical" or what the fuck ever, to hit women. Like I said, I don't beat up my girlfriend, but if she conscientiously tried to harm me, I would lay her the fuck out. It's honestly a fucking joke to say that you're not supposed to hit women.

I'm not a sexist, and I'm not for violence against women solely for the fact that they're women. I'm just saying, it's fucking bullshit to be told not to hit them if they hit you first. I don't care who it is, if someone starts a fight with me, I'm fighting back.

If they want special treatment, they should stop their goddamn bitching and crying about rights. They have every right in the world, except the right to get a fucking black eye for starting shit. Ridiculous. 

Also, what the fuck is it with feminists being all against porno and shit? Actually, fuck it, I'll make a different post on that, later.

So, who's with me? I don't want any of your gentleman bullshit. I'd like you guy's opinions on why it is/isn't okay to retaliate with force to a woman if she's hitting you.

Anyway, discuss.

Want a kid? Apply for one

Stupid people don't think about the consequences before they have sex. If they're stupid enough to have unprotected sex then it's probable that they're too stupid to bring up a child. The child then grows up undisciplined and stupid, and finds someone else stupid that was bought up the same way and has a barrage of children. More new kids, again and again and so on and so forth. 

It should be mandatory for every female to have a coil fitted before puberty. Then in the future, if she wants to have children, she takes a competency test and has her domestic situation assessed by a government worker. If she passes the test then a license is granted to have the coil removed for 1 baby. After the birth, the coil is re-fitted. If she wants more children then she has to take the tests again.

The test would ask questions of both the mother and the father to make sure that they're planning on staying together and they're not complete idiots. Also, they have to be financially stable enough to have children. If you can't afford 4 children, then you won't fucking have 4 children.

Some people may argue that putting the regulation of reproduction in the hands of the government is taking away a basic human right, but I disagree. Most people don't deserve a basic human right. We have mid-teen whores everywhere reproducing like rabbits because they're too fucktarded to know what a condom is.(It's nothing to do with a lack of awareness either, we get a ridiculous amount of sex and health education at school.) The children of these chavs grow up in relative poverty, have little or no motivation to succeed in life, end up on drugs, and in prison. It's a tragic waste of human life and a drain on our society. Extreme measures have to be taken to stop this, left wing bullshit solves nothing.

Prove me wrong.

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

I hate women

I hate women. I really do. Every time I look at them, I wish I was blind. When they're chatting with people about nothing in particular on their phone. When they're constantly touching up their stupid makeup and taking up my time rifling through their stupid purse. When they whine to me about their period. When they blither on and on about some artist/film/musician nobody else gives a f ucking f uck about. When they cry and expect your personal sympathy. IT MAKES ME WANT TO KILL PUPPIES.

But most of all, I hate them because they're smug, hyperactive little bitches made that way by our shithole society. Look what uncontrolled feminism and the media has done to them: they think they're superior. They can call the shots. All their crying about relationships is merely them fu cking up; any girl can get any guy she wants if she tries.

When girls are feeling down, they can have any man they like and f uck him. Even if they have no friends in the world, even if they are pathetic, ugly whores (which most are), they could strike up a conversation with any guy in a club and make him theirs. But a lonely, pathetic man is hated by women. They know they're better than him. They give him nothing. Even though they know he suffers from his biological urges, they sit and laugh and do nothing for him. They get to choose who is happy and who is sad.

We need a new holocaust.

Monday, 27 September 2010

Democracy does not work.

The reason I say this is simple: Because (the majority of) people vote for what they think is best for them, rather than what a more educated (or specialised) person may know is best for them.

For example:
People will vote to lower taxes, because they don't like paying them.
People will then demand better healthcare, despite the lower budget.
People will then complain to keep cigarettes cheap, so they can smoke as many as they want.
People will then expect the NHS to give them expensive operations, free of charge, after they damage their health by smoking.
People will then complain about how the NHS is in debt.
In makes no sense!!
If medical/financial experts made all the big decisions (even if it was against the general public's will), money would be spent far more sensibly.

Another example:
Some people vote to go on the Euro, because they want to be part of a more united Europe.
Other people vote to stay off the Euro, because they like the idea of a "British" currency.
This is all irrelevant to the real issue!!
If financial experts were the only ones responsible for making this decision, even if it went against the general public's will, we could go on/stay off the Euro for purely financial reasons!

My idea for how to solve the problem:
What if democracy were taken to a more advanced level, where only specialists in various subjects were allowed to vote for what choices our country takes?

We could have a "voters society for healthcare", a "voters society for finance", a "voters society for crime", etc. (These are just rough ideas, obviously - they could be fine tuned.)

In order to become a member of one of these societies, you would have to pass a fairly short educational course on the topic - to show that you have enough of an understanding to be able to vote intelligently.
And to save time, some people would get automatic membership - e.g. doctors can vote for healthcare, bankers can vote for finance, etc.

We would still have political parties/a prime minister, who everyone could vote for, but their primary roll would become more about public speaking than actually making big decisions.
In fact, to be honest, looking confident on camera is exactly what the general election is increasingly becoming about anyway!

So yeah, that's my rough idea. But I'm hungover and I can't be bothered to proof-read this. 

Monday, 20 September 2010

So I got bored and disproved god.

Okay, before I start out, let me make two things clear:
1. This is only a proof against certain Gods, such as in Christianity and Islam. It is not a proof against many other religions, or the deistic God. It is also not a proof that atheism is true, for this exact reason.
2. In general, the proof only applies to an omnipotent, omniscient God, who created the universe and gave us free will. If the God you believe in does not fit that description, then this proof does not apply to you. (But feel free to reply anyway, of course!)

Summary of the proof:
It is not possible for there to exist an omnipotent, omniscient God, who created the universe, to have given us free will. Such a God cannot exist.
Therefore many religions, including Christianity, must be false.

The full proof:
P1 God created the universe.
P2 God is omniscient.
P3 God is omnipotent.
P4 Humans have free will.

#1. At the instant of creation, God already knew everything that would ever happen in his universe. (By P1 and P2)
#2. God designed the universe in exactly the way he wanted it. (By P1 and P3)
#3. Everything that ever happens in our universe is exactly what God intended. (By #1 and #2)
#4. Everything that ever happens in our universe is/was God's choice. (By #3)
#5. The outcome of every choice you ever make was already predetermined by God. God is responsible for everything. (By #4)
#6. You are not actually responsible for any of your actions; at best, your free will is an illusion. (By #5)
#7. Humans do not have free will. (By #6)
#8. Contradiction. (By P4 and #7)

Common false responses to this proof:
A"#4 is wrong, because God gave us free will!" - No. You are missing the point entirely. #4 follows directly from #3. Unless you can explain how it actually does not (or explain why #3 is false), it is illogical to simply claim "but God gave us free will, therefore #4 is false".
B"But you already assumed that God gave us free will, so of course it makes sense to do that!" - You don't seem to understand how logical proofs work... Here's another simple example of one:

P1 All cows are black.P2 Daisy is a cow.P3 Daisy is white.

#1 Daisy is black (By P1 and P2)
#2 Daisy is not white (By #1)
#3 Contradiction (By P3 and #2)

Can you see how I have not used P3 anywhere in the proof, except in the final conclusion that there is a contradiction? Do you agree that the logic is all correct, and that it follows a very similar pattern to my original God proof? It is NOT logical to say "#1 is wrong, simply because it disagrees with P3"!

Now look back at the original God example. It is the exact same thing, pretty much.

C"But God exists outside of time, so there is no contradiction." - Huh? This is an extremely common response, despite it making no sense whatsoever. God being outside of time (which, I agree, is true) is irrelevant. It makes no difference to the logic in the proof.
D "(Due to quantum physics) our universe is NOT predetermined, therefore God didn't choose everything..." - This is a red herring. If God does not know the outcome of any quantum events, then he is not omniscient. Hence we can still conclude that the universe is all predetermined; even if it appears random to us.
E "God COULD know what choices we are going to make, but he chooses to block that own knowledge from himself" - If this is true, and God is forced to block his own knowledge of things, then he is not omnipotent.
F "The future does not exist. God does not know things that do not exist. Therefore God does not know the future" - Another red herring. God must know the outcome of every single event in the universe. He knows exactly where every atom in the universe is. He knows exactly what the future will be, even if this future "does not exist, yet".

That's it, for now. If any other incorrect responses come back, I'll add them to the list.
Until then, feel free to make me look like an idiot and prove me wrong. If you can. 

Saturday, 18 September 2010

Indian Paradise restaurant review.

Indian Paradise
Seaside Road

I am a person that loves to eat. My family loves to eat. My friends love to eat. We all love Indian food. Not any more. 

If I had the choice between repeatedly slammed in a fire-door whilst Joan Rivers stood by and offered advice, or eating at this restaurant again, I would choose the door/pretentious bitch hell. My order was bland and tasteless, whilst my best friend retched in horror and gasped for water as one of the dishes in his vegetable thali was spiced so excessively that if liquified, it could fuel an aging celebrity several times around a track, in a reasonably priced car. Then kill them hilariously in a ball of fire, as it would be 400% more flammable than rocket fuel.

The staff were dead in the eyes and served our orders late and inaccurately, taking the time to argue with us when we innocently raised concern that key parts of our meals were missing. Such as the curry. 

The decor was something that the marquis d' Sade might have dreamt up, or perhaps his autistic cousin, with the same perverse leanings but the taste of a peasant. The carpet in the place should perhaps have been warning to us, almost inducing an epileptic fit in one of the more sensitive members of the group.

Every single aspect of the evening was ruined by the discourtesy of the staff, their general incompetence, and the complete disaster that was the food.

I cannot think of one redeeming feature of the restaurant, am just thankful that so far I haven't suffered any ill effects, although haven't yet had confirmation of the same from my friends. The only person I would recommend the Indian Paradise to would be LINDSAY LOHAN.  They would deserve each other


That's amazing. Update in the works.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

How to make a man happy

1. Feed him
2. Fuck him
3. Shut the fuck up

How to make a woman happy

1. a friend
2. a companion
3. a lover
4. a brother
5. a father
6. a master
7. a chef
8. an electrician
9. a carpenter
10. a plumber
11. a mechanic
12. a decorator
13. a stylist
14. a sexologist
15. a gynaecologist
16. a psychologist
17. a pest exterminator
18. a psychiatrist
19. a healer
20. a good listener
21. an organiser
22. a good father
23. very clean
24. sympathetic
25. athletic
26. warm
27. attentive
28. gallant
29. intelligent
30. funny
31. creative
32. tender
33. strong
34. understanding
35. tolerant
36. prudent
37. ambitious
38. capable
39. courageous
40. determined
41. true
42. dependable
43. passionate

44. Give her compliments regularly.
45. Love shopping.
46. Be honest.
47. Be very rich.
48. Not stress her out.
49. Not look at other girls.


50. Give her lots of attention, but expect little yourself.
51. Give her lots of time, especially time for herself.
52. Give her lots of space, never worrying about where she goes.

53. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT to never forget:

* birthdays
* anniversaries
* arrangements she makes

Monday, 13 September 2010

How things will work

I've imported some things I've written from my Facebook notes and put them onto this blog so that it's not totally empty. From now on I'll try to write some fresh stuff every couple of days about something interesting.

If you're actually bothering to read my page then thank you. Please spread the word about my blog.

Adam and Eve is bullshit.

Now we all know that Adam and Eve were punished for eating from the tree of epic fruit and thus bought sin to the world blah blah .. 

There's a flaw in this. 

The tree of knowledge gave them the ability to differentiate from good and evil and therefore gave them the knowledge and ability to sin. Before eating the epic apple, they would not know anything of sin, they would not know what is right or wrong. Therefore Adam & Eve did not have a clue what they were doing when they ate the apple, and therefore did not know they were being tempted for they surely could not understand temptation if they did not know of the evil in the talking snake's purpose. 

So god kicked them out of the garden of eden unfairly for doing something they couldn't do - sin. They were ignorant and innocent, and were doing what they were being told to do. How were they supposed to know that the snake was evil and that god was not? 

The word 'Islamophobia' needs to be removed from our vocabulary.

Islamophobia is a word that needs to be eradicated: an insinuation that serves only to degrade the seriousness of the true meaning of racism. The key difference between judging people for their religion and judging people for their race is they cannot choose their race. Of course, some may turn around and say that people are born into their religion, and because of that they actually don't have a choice but, frankly, that simply proves the point people are normally trying to prove while being "Islamophobic" - that this is nothing but a method of mind-control.

Criticising Islam is just as reasonable as criticising Communism, Fascism, Liberalism, or any other political belief. It'is just as reasonable as discriminating against people who think the Earth is flat, or that it was created 6000 years ago, or who think they are Napoleon. It is not racism if you're disputing a pre-defined set of rules that people CHOOSE to live by.

Anybody who thinks that criticism of religion is wrong needs a wakeup call. When you start to turn critical discussion on something into a taboo, you're creating a wrap of fear around it, and that's dangerous. Fear of discussion on a way of living can only serve to isolate the people associated with it, and that's when problems occur. Freedom of speech is vital, especially amongst conflicting ethic and social groups. 

I'll turn around and say that I don't agree with the burka, I don't agree with halal meat, I think ramadan is a stupid waste of time, and sexual abstinence until marriage is crazy. I also think a ban on drinking alcohol is stupid and the way muslims treat women is abbhorent. That's my opinion and there is nothing racist about it. Muslims' judgements on westerners is also just as critical, the women are drunken whores that deserve to be raped, the men are filthy for eating a pork chop, and we're all inferior scum for not believing in the word of Allah. Again, nothing racist about that, just an opinion from a group that lives by very different rules.

At no point has a muslim's judgement on our way of living ever been called racist, so why are we called racist when we say negative things about their way of living? Different rules for different groups of people will only ever cause a fight. Islamophobia is not the racist thing that we've been led to believe it is. 

Rambling thoughts about shit.

I don't believe the big bang theory is necessarily correct, only very slightly supported. 
I FUCKING ACCEPT THAT I DON'T KNOW HOW THE WORLD ORTHE UNIVERSE OR LIFE WAS CREATED. I live my life like anyone else, content with this. 

What happens when you die? You switch off forever, since there's no longer an electric current in the mass of protozoa between your ears. 

How did humans get here? We were fucking lucky, that's how. Nothing more, nothing less, we're just fucking lucky. (Or unlucky. Is it better to be alive for 80-odd years and then return to the eternity of nothing-ness, or just be the nothingness for ever?) 

I don't need to cling to false ideologies to validate my existence. I hold absolutely no beliefs that Christians do. People that feel the need to turn life into a fictional story are just plain stupid. 

Personality? "Soul?" Nothing more than different configurations of nerve cells. 

Was there a man named Jesus who did some cool shit? There might well have been, but it's not the same guy that was mentioned in the bible. Jesus is nothing more than a plagiarism of the Egyptian god, Horus. He was born on the 25th December after a miracle conception (Isis fucked Osiris when he was dead, but as he was god, it still worked.) he was adored by 3 kings who followed a star in the east, became a child teacher at 12 and was baptized at 30 by Anup. He then died and was ressurected 3 days later. 

Jesus and Horus aren't the only ones either: Attis, Krishna, Dionysus, Mithra and many other religious figures ahdere to the same general story. 

The Egyptians created religion so that they had a powerful form of social control, every other religion is a copy of this. 

The Bible was written by human hands, human hands that couldn't even be fucking original. Enjoy your nothing.

Sunday, 12 September 2010



The accident with the bike? It put Ash in a coma. three days later he was found and pumped full of painkillers. This is why team rocket became less menacing. The drugs kicked in and stabilised his coma dreams, instead of being terrifying, they became idyllic, and he's able to live out his pokemon master fantasies.

It's also the reason that every time he enters a new region, virtually no one has heard of him, despite his conquests, and why givoanni leads team rocket. Ash has daddy issues, so he put his dad atop the evil corporation, and he just can't picture himself as famous, so he essentially adopts a new identity every few months.

It also explains a few other things, such as how a child can go off on his own in a world full of dangerous untamed animals, and why every pokecenter has the same exact nurse.
Brock is ash's repressed sexuality, he fell into the coma a virgin, and needed an outlet for it. since he can never experience it, brock must never succeed.
To further expand on this, one will note how misty, a tomboy, is another aspect of Ash's personality, his feminine side. the feminine side would obviously be upset at the womanizing side, which would keep a normal human being from acting like brock. This is why she constantly batters him.

I can explain the purpose of any character to ash's mindset within the coma to make it make sense.

It's the same thing as his community. Never experienced anything else, and couldn't at this point. He's only able to imagine landmasses besides his own because he used to dream about going to them and winning tournaments there. Also the reason Joys and Jennys are everywhere - those were just two figures he looked up to in his hometown so he projected them everywhere.
Team Rocket are the aspects of ash's personality that he has deemed "bad". James implies homosexuality, and Jesse implies vanity. You'll remember that meowth has the potential for rehabilitation, and doesn't want to be evil, so yet again this fits in with the conflicting personalities theory.

Their methods of capture become more and more ludicrous ( and physically impossible) because ash is just a kid dreaming these things up.

The worldwide socalism can be explained if you once again realise that this is a dream world, he thought up a safe system of government that would run smoothly and keep the world going, allowing his adventures to work like they do.

and another thing.


Pikachu obviously represents ash's humanity, hence the episodes where they get separated, and ash wants desparately to find him, but for some reason cannot. Even team rocket is willing to set aside any differences to work together and find pikachu. They want to steal pikachu ( ash's humanity) and hand it over to his father. They will always be opposed because ash does not want to become anything like his father and no resolution can ever permanantly be reached. however he will temporarily reconcile with those aspects of himself in order to save his humanity from just becoming flat out LOST.
Max came with may, she played the ID with great aspirations, and he played the sensible ego that "Session". They worked for a little while but ash, being a teenager eventually his sexuality had to come back into play. he kept reinventing himself and eventually wrote new aspects, but his mind slowly brought back the old ones as a crutch to make the transition easier.
Also, why the elite four?

Why not one elite unbeatable trainer?

Because no person has one single psychological roadblock, and toppling all of them in one go would rend one's minds into shreds. I would assume that if he were ever to beat all four the coma would reverse itself.

Now it's time for Gary Oak.
Gary oak is what ash wants to be. His wish fulfillment. He succeeded, and settled down to a normal life. Ash needs someone to succeed in his world or he won't be able to validate it and will start questioning why he's where he is. It's a subconscious trap to keep him from becoming too aware of his situation. His mind must have figured out that awareness of the coma would snap him out of it, but it would cause major brain damage, so it took something the boy already loved and built a way out for him with it. However ash is too complacent to finally fight his way out of it, and cannot escape. this is why he keeps encountering legendaries, they're his mind's way of showing him he can do great things if he tries, and it's a way to encourage him to push forwards.

Dawn is ash giving himself a chance to love. since he already established misty as someone he's not likely to go anywhere with, he created a new super female, one that was more like him, and less violent all the time. ( you'll note that both may and misty had no tolerance for brock whatsoever whereas dawn seems to try and shrug it off.) Richie and his pikachu were another success story for ash, but he wanted one he could be closer with. One nearly identical to him. One that even used a similar roster to him.

Paul is ash's dark side, one that wants to push on even harder and harder, the part of him that will stop at nothing to escape this coma world.

The reason for the new rivals is that gary settled down, he's living peacefully, and to bring him out of that would be to supress part of ash's wishes.There's no way his mind would let that happen, so his personality fragmented further, producing dark (paul) and light (richie) versions of gary.
Mr.Mime is actually a stand in for ash's father, one that can't abuse him or his mom, because he is a pokemon, a peace loving creature that's oddly humanoid, but that can never hurt a human ( ash's trust is because he was never really hurt by a pokemon, so he sees them all as harmless, whereas in the real world they may be quite feral or vicious ( as seen in the early wpisodes), again falling back to the theory that the only real pokemon are the ones from the first season, and everything else is just further speculation coming from his mind on what new species would look like.)
And the movies?

Ash has been switched to a new treatment, and is adjusting to it, so his mind runs wild, allowing things to become grittier.

He releases them (his pokemon) because his mind is forcing him to let go of them. The second he raises an overpowered team, a tournament comes up, and after fighting his way through it he has to go to a new land for new challenges, but with an overpowered team, there won't be any challenges, and no way to motivate him further, part of ash wants to stay in the coma, and keep journeying.

The other part wants freedom, and to return to his real life, to finally become a real pokemon master. However if he's allowed to keep his powerful team there's no reason to meet and ame new pokemon, he'll lose interest, and the chance of becoming self-aware comes around again. so it's not that he gives them up, it's that he loses them, and unless he's desparate ( like with charizard) he can't get them back. it's basically his mind forcing him to deal with his issues.

Aah the reason team rocket's disguises are always believed. He knows it's them ( on some level), but chooses to ignore it, so he can better himself, in a sense escapist ash is sabotaging idyllic ash. So that there can be more conflict, and hopefully an eventual escape.

Oh there are real animals. But they don't matter to ash's psyche so they don't come into play much. if ash had loved puppies, everything would be about different breeds of dogs, and a dog fighting circuit.

But, as the series goes on longer, we've been seeing less realistic animals and more Pokemon.

Could this be a sign of his mind's deteriation? That, as he's in this coma, he's losing concepts of some animals and machinery and replacing them with Pokemon. It could explain things like electric pokemon working as power generators.

The reason ash went mad/evil:
Ash's father visited him in the hospital, even in his coma world he could hear his father's voice and it drove him berserk.

The filler episodes that don't focus on ash and the gang are ash's mind working through, and humanizing the parts of himself that he demonised. It's a way for him to deal with issues that ash and crew wouldn't touch, because it involves treading ground he himself had sworn not to go near.

So in a way, ash IS team rocket.

A sign that his memory of the old world is slipping more and more as time goes by. The pokeyman realm will be idealised continuously the longer he has no stimulus from the real world. He may or may not be mentally deteriorating (he was always simple), but he is becoming more accustomed to his fake world's rules.

This also explains why their outfits are different from the other team rocket goons.

They're white because they're a part of ash that he may deal with.

everything else, the rest of the whole organization is symbolic of his inability to escape his father. those three are the punching bags of the rockets because they're issues that ash himself displayed and was punished for by his dad.

It would also be a good reason why Paul has shown up at this point, and Ash has been forced to work with him on at least one occasion: It's his mind's last ditch efforts to snap him out of this, to force Ash to actually come to terms that this perfect world is not the best option and he needs to wake up.

The narrator is ash's Higher mind. It's recapping and explaining the progress he's made and the tribulations he will face, allowing itself insight into how best to awaken him.

As I said earlier, team rocket and the episodes they occupy are ash dealing with ground he feels uncomfortable with tackling on his own. James' troubled childhood is his way of justifying his latent homosexuality.

It could be an attempt on Ash's part to humanise Team Rocket as well, as part of his mental healing: Team Rocket isn't really evil. They're just jerk who have hit bad times. As time goes on, they seem to mellow out as well, to the point where the only reason why they haven't outright given up on villainry is "We want to make Giovanni (father) proud of us", a possible desire of Ash's that coincides his "I hate you dad".

Meowth had to talk to be more redeemable and accessible to his other bits of personality.

Evolving his pikachu would have challenged his concept of what his humanity was.

when ash is trading pokemon, it's an attempt to push his own problems away on someone else, however he realises this and usually trades back failry quickly.

Joy and jenny he knew from his hometown, and they act as a safety net or anchor, allowing him to feel safe no matter where he goes.

So maybe their trying to steal Pikachu (as stated, Ash's humanity) is not only a way to impress Giovanni, but to make him a good man again so that he can appreciated his wife and child as he should have (or perhaps did, at one point). Ash is against this because, consciously, he knows that giving over his heart to someone who has been so hurtful to him and his mother will only cause pain for them both.

Misty's Togepi represent a desire for offspring and a family of his own, or merely an attempt to defang Misty? Because she starts off as rather rageful, especially towards Ash, but after she gains Togepi she mellows out and acts much more motherly (mind you, it's mostly towards Togepi, but it's still a mild personality change)

The pokemon in Ash's team are his issues, for example charmander represents his sex drive ( not his sexuality like brock ) at first it's a cute easy to control thing, but eventually becomes a raging inferno of disobedience. acquiring his team means getting new issues, but as he trains them, he works said issues out.

The wild pokemon are his rationalizations of the functioning of the world. it's the "a wizard did it" syndrome. If he doesn't know how it works, his mind says pokemon.

Other trainers are more direct forms of his issues, ones that he must either come to terms with or outright defeat.

And gym leaders are more primary aspects of his personality with each pokemon being stronger than the last, to display a level of skill he could be capable of if only he gave into it. in effect he is doing battle with a part of him that he would rather not have in control.

His rivals and the Elite four are ultimately the strongest part of this cycle. Having pokemon that are essentially godlike, they represent both what can be attained and what is unattainable.

Mewtwo was a new form of treatment, done with electric impulses and a machine to knock Ash out of it, taking down every last one of his mental guards (the original pokemon in the movie).

In Ash's mind, Mewtwo and his clones were the treatment for the mental safe guards that were protecting Ash and keeping him comatose; the pokemon of his world. The clones were counters to Ash's mental safeties, and so each appeared to Ash as the exact copy of his defense, intended to take it down by Force. The clones didn't play by the rules of Ash's world, they didn't use any special pokemon attacks or moves -they just beat down their counterpart by brute strength.

The treatment was working, but there were side effects. The electric jolts were beginning to effect Ash's nervous system, and if the treatment continued, he would be paralyzed. His mind realised this and manifested it to Ash by petrifying him in his dream. Were it not for the end of the treatment by Ash's mother (knowing her son would never want to live in a world he couldnt explore) Ash would have remained as stone in his dream.

After this, Ash needed to recover from the damage of the electric therapy. Obviously it was greatly dangerous to him, and in order to reduce the danger Ash's conciousness felt from it, Ash's subconcious began downplaying the effects of electricity in Ash's world, which is why Pikachus electric attacks -once noted for their strength by team rocket- no longer have any effect on Ash, other than comic relief.

Koffing and Ekans were symbolic of team rocket's willingness to change. hence the evolutions. once his mind beat that roadblock down and allowed them to change once, it gives him the chance to truly change.

Pupitar is a rationalization. a pokemon that a rival caught before he met him. Even Ash would become suspicious if everyone he met had no carry-over from pervious places he had been to.

The professors, like the Joy's and Jenny's represent stability, and ash's ideals. This is why gary became a professor.

Misty is an image that ash had of a girl,(this is why she plays so prevalently in the series but is ultimately unattainable before the coma. Likely the one that helped get him to a hospital.

I have a theory in line with this: Since Misty was his initial love interest (if only subconsciously), he needed her to reach a level of womanhood. He felt that people could only have relationships when they've matured. But in practice, it turned out he couldn't cope with it and just wanted the normal, pushy, arrogant Misty he knew, and wouldn't let her keep Togepi anymore. This was also traumatizing to him, being attached to it. Since then, the thought of anyone around him maturing to adulthood has been blocked, and anyone who shows signs of it will quickly end up leaving for another, more naive fill-in.

On the prevalance of ash's japanese heritage and why he lost his beloved hat for a new one:

The same reason he discarded his original hat. He wanted to travel and broaden his horizons, every time he reinvented himself to do so, he lost touch with his original self. If he ever does escape the coma he'll likely have achieved a sort of zen state. Considering the amount of personal issues he deals with inside his head, it's entirely likely that he was the next Poke-Buddah, and that the lightning strike and subsequent coma are a way for him to realise his true self, and destiny.

On tracy and the photograhper friend.

Or things he'd wanted to do when he grew up, before he lost all touch with the concept of aging, having no need for it anymore. He kept those things with him, but not with himself - that would mean learning those skills which would mean growing up. It's sort of like when you want to be a astronaut or a doctor as a kid, Ash wanted to do arts.

on ash's Team

Bulbasaur was ash's unwillingness to change, this is reflected in it's unwillingness to evolve and how it almost decided to stay behind unless he battled it.

Squirtle was his willingness to follow the lead of others, as evidenced by the gang it ran with.

Butterfree was his crushing loneliness, which he dealt with when he released it to join a flock.

His bird types are his recklessness, always willing to sacrifice something at a moment's notice for the win.

Yessir, Since it's about summary time I figured I'd give this a whirl.

If you noticed the early episodes of pokemon were of amazing quality. I believe that when ash was struck by lightning he was put into a coma. The rest of the series is just the results of his subconscious mind fulfilling his desires, as well as attempting to escape them. should ash realise he's in a coma, he would wake up, but suffer brain damage. So he has to take down all his mental barriers one by one until he can come to grips with who he is and escape his coma.

He justifies anything he can't explain with pokemon, and real animals fall into the background because he has no real interest in them.

His travelling partners are actually aspects of himself he can enjoy, but doesn't like to associate with himself. Team rocket are his qualities that he Deems "negative", but is coming to terms with. However the team rocket organization has his abusive father sitting atop it. Jesse and James want to appease the father figure. Meowth especially wants to appease him because he remembers the good times with Giovanni.

Jesse is is Ash's vanity and gullibility, she will trick ash's submissive homosexuality into doing her bidding so she can Please father.

Now James is Ash's Latent homosexuality, hence why he is constantly punished by pokemon and attacked by random attractive girls. I believe the split between ash's parents was caused by this part of ash, maybe an incident at school, bringing shame on the family and forcing them to move to the hick town of pallet. Ash's motivations for his journey were to escape mounting pressure at home.

Pikachu is Ash's Humanity, this is why team rocket is always trying to capture it and bring it to Giovanni. They want father's love. This is why Ash sometimes Joins Team rocket to search for the lost pikachu. However what is unrealised is that Team Rocket also holds a part of Ash's Humanity in meowth. This is apparent in the fact that meowth is the only pokemon capable of speech.

Brock isn't just Ash's latent sexuality, he's also his fatherly instincts, neither of which Ash can come to terms with. Brock leaves his siblings to join the journey because Ash can't cope with having that much responsibility, much as his foray with a real relationship ends on mysterious terms. Ash just cannot handle commitment at his mental level.
It could be a possible view on Ash views his own mother. The massive amount of children could be a suppressed varient of her (Ash's mother in a different guise) being a whore, and her messing up the gym and Brock's life is rage Ash has at his own mother for not trying harder to keep Giovanni around or even for keeping him alive as he's in a coma.

By having this as the mother of one of his different sides instead of "his" own mother, this leaves him in a place where Delia can be sainted. Delia is not a whore, at least not in his mind; Delia is a good woman, who's happy to stay at home and remind him to take care of his wash.

Ash's Rivals are possible futures he envisions for himself (note that they are all older than him). This originated with Gary Oak, Someone ash knew from real life, and built up into a sort of god within his mind. Gary, however progressed and changed to suit Ash's vision of himself and ultimate desire, eventually settling down into a professor after beating the Elite Four.

With Gary in retirement his mind needed a new rival for him Thus the births of Richie ( the Good aspect of his rivalry) and Paul ( as the darker aspect, a cut-throat ash, willing to do anything to escape the coma world).

That episode about Gloom must have related to "Girls only clubs" in Ash's younger days, and his acceptance of perfume at the end and cross dressing were ways he tried to justify his sexuality or wanting to fit in with the girls.

Tracey, The Breeder was a possible future for ash that he discarded. It was one that he sent off to work with the Professor (the professors being ash's ultimate ideal of a father figure) when he disrupted the dynamic ash had with his other possibles. Ash's mind is fighting the coma and since Ash viewed this one as a companion he was quickly replaced with a more threatening Rival.

Back to summarizing.

The Legendaries Are ash's mind telling him that he has the power to do great things, and thus escape his happy- go lucky reality.
The Jenny's and Joys are symbols of comfort and normality, hence why they're everywhere.
Brock is a Projection of his sexuality, and is constantly shot down because ash can never KNOW sex.
Misty is ash's first attempt at a girl he could love, however, being a girl from the real world, that all he knew of her was her anger, she ended up very angry. Constantly berating his sexuality, but eventually mellowing out until she had faded into the background.